Who is GlitterButt?

Heyo! I’m Danielle, the founder of GlitterButt, a sweet little business that has evolved a lot throughout the years. I originally started GlitterButt, in 2018, selling vintage clothes as a side hustle while I was in woodworking school, and also suffering through a part-time retail job. Eventually, at the tail end of 2019, I started working full time in a wood-shop, and decided to close down GlitterButt with the hopes that this new career would fulfill my ever creative need to work with my hands on a consistent bases. 

Fast forward to mid-2021 when my neurodivergence reminded me that working 40 hour weeks sends me spiraling into the depths of hell...and not in a sexy way. So I decided to take a huge financial leap(felt more like my body/brain were shoving me over a cliff 🫠) and went part time at the wood shop. Shortly after, I brought a new version of GlitterButt to life. While I have an impossible time choosing one focus I let GlitterButt have free reign over the vintage decor and jewelry of my liking. As a result of having more time to bend to my will, the last couple years were easily the most creatively inspired years of my life, while also incredibly challenging, exhausting and healing. 

In May 2023 I came to the very difficult decision to leave my job at the wood shop after deeply struggling with a number of health issues, and sensory sensitivities for months. I didn't have much of a financial plan but my body made it very clear to me that it was done working on anyone else's schedule (luckily credit cards are a thing...uffdha). I had hit a severe level of burnout that has forced me to completely re-evaluate my life. I was in serious need of rest, figuring myself out, and working towards lots of healing. In short it was time I started living by my own rules!

In order to try to incorporate rest, income and healing into my life I decided to take my love of dogs to the next level and began dog sitting to help with all of the above. Luckily I LOVE dogs, and they love me. I mean who doesn't love being clobbered with love just because they exist?!? 

In order to support myself I’ve become the jack of many trades which is honestly, just how I like it. I hunt, I sell, I hang with dogs, and I slowly make art.

Being creative is my #1 prerogative and any financial support I get from y’all helps make that possible. I am so grateful for each and every purchase as it helps me to build a life that works for me. I fucking love sharing my treasures with y’all whether they are found or created. Im so grateful for any and all support. You make it easier for me to live my life, and that’s a huge gift. Thank you so much for supporting my dreams.